30 dec-6 Jan
At the current week our project are near to it completion. however, some minor issues such as its inability to detect imagesize, converting the given image size to the required size given by the algorithm. To fix this our team decided to build a GUI canvas which users can write on for comparison input. with the current input method we can predefine the size of the image hardcoded which solve the scaling issue and provide the users with an more interactive GUI. Eventhough, we managed to fix the scaling issue, however the canvas code we referenced on doesnot come up with save button. after, doing some research we found out that tk inter doesnot come with image saving features. Thus, additional program is needed to do a proper image saving. To save the image properly the group used the ghostscript exe which are added to the variable path. the ghostscrip program works by changing the image to UTF-8 format, which will be converted into a jpg output.